Real Name:
Ages (+13):
Why you get that choose?:
You know how mutch responsability request a regiment?:
How mutch time you can give that regiment? (time/day):
Clan name:
Clan (regiment) nation:
Clan flag from game you can take screenshot ctrl+alt+insert and with pain make a circle on you flag:
You know if you make a regiment on that community you will advace from rank of officer on XMD rules and can give orders to smaller xmd rankers? (not to join you clan) [Yes/No/Maybe]:
You know if you try to take members from others clans you clan will be deleted from xmd forum and added as enemy of that community? [Yes/No/Maybe]:
Well you finish that question you clan ranks will be obligatory internaitonal ranks:
Field-Marechal - Marechal
Field-General - Gen
Colonel - Col
Major - Maj
Captain - Cpt
Lieutanent-Major -Ltn-Maj
Lieutanent - Ltn
Second-Lieutanent - S-Ltn
-Second Officers:
Plutonier-Major - Ptn-Maj
Plutonier - Ptn
Sergent-Major - Sgt-Maj
Sergent - Sgt
Corpora - Cpl
Private - Pvt
-Non Ranked:
Recruit - Rct